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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Srimad Bhagavatam

Srimad Bhagavatam 
with the text of Sridhar with  Visisitaadvaita   and  Dvaita Readings
New Publication. Just Released.
                                 Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series

 No.1. Srimad Bhagavatam  with the text of Sridhar with  Visisitaadvaita   and  Dvaita Readings Vol. I.
           Skandhas 1-7./ T.R.Krishnacharya,,,Delhi,Divine Books. ISBN.978-81-920763-0-0,(vol.I)
           ISBN.978-81-920763-2-4 (Set). Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series No.1. Rs.400.
No.2. Srimad Bhagavatam  with the text of Sridhar with  Visisitaadvaita   and  Dvaita Readings Vol. 2.
           Skandhas 8-12./ T.R.Krishnacharya,,,Delhi,Divine Books,ISBN.978-81-920763-1-7.(Vol.II.)
            ISBN.978-81-920763-2-4 (Set) Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series No.2.. Rs.400
Thanking you.

Varun Gupta
Divine Books
40/13.Shakti Nagar.
India. 6519 6428

Friday, September 28, 2012

Sources of Indian Studies.==catalogue Divine Books

catalogue  Divine Books

Divine Books
In the Service of Scholars since


40/ 13,  Shakti Nagar, Delhi 110007

Ph.No. 011 65196428   



Our Series

Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series,
Sri Garib Das Ayurveda Series,
Divine Buddhist Texts and Studies Series


Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series



1 & 2. Srimad Bhagavatam with the text of Sridhar with Visisitaadvaita and  Dvaita Readings Vol. I Skandhas 1- 7 & Vol. 2 Skandhas 8-12./ T.R. Krishnacharya/ ISBN.978-81-920763-0-0/ (SET) /Rs. 800


3. Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira. Translated  by N.C. Aiyar. ISBN.978-81-920763-3-1 / Rs. 500


5.  The Twelve Principal Upanisads with Notes from the Commentaries of Sankaracharya and the Gloss/ Trans. into English by E.Roer, E.B.Cowell, Rajendra Lal Mitra./ ISBN.978-81-920763-5-5/ Rs.800


6 & 7. The Brahma Vaivarta Purana , 2 Vols.- (Brahma and Prakriti Khandas Vol.I.)., (Ganesa and Krishna Janma Khandas. Vol.II) / Trans.into English by Rajendra Nath Sen, 978-81-920763-8-6 (SET) /  Set.Rs.1000


9 & 10. The Brihat Samhita of Varaha Mihira,  2 Vols.-  Eng.Trans/ N.Chidambaram Iyer.(2 Parts.)ISBN 978-93-81218-17-4(SET)  / Set. Rs 600


11. Bhakti Ratnawali with  the Commentary of Vishnu Puri Translated by a Professor of Sanskrit, ISBN.978-93-81218-29-7 / Rs. 300


12.  An Introduction to the Yoga Philosophy/ Srisa Chandra Vasu, ISBN.978-93-81218-28-0/ Rs.120


13, The Brihat Jatakam of Varaha Mihira.Eng.Trans. by Swami Vijnananda.   ISBN. 978-93-81218-27-3. Rs. 500


14. The Patanjali"s Yoga Sutras.Trans. Rama Prasada. Delhi,2011. ISBN.978-93-81218-26-6. / Rs. 400

 15.   Sri Narada Pancaratram - The Jnanamrita sara Samhita/ English Translation Swami Vijnananda/     ISBN 978-93-81218-25-9 / Rs.400


16-24..Sriman Mahabhartam-  A New edition mainly based on the South Indian texts with footnotes and readings (  9 vol. with a Descriptive contents &  Alphabetical Index of Sriman Mahabharatam) Ed. T.R.Krishnacharya & T.R.Vyasacharya. / 9 Vols.Set. ISBN.978-93-81218-39-6 (set). Rs.3000


25. Lalitaarchana-Chandrika-Hymns to Lalita, form of Tripurasundari, Hindu Deity for Worship and Associated rituals/ Trans.Prof.S.K.Ramachandara Rao. 2nd ed. ISBN.978-93-219-45-7. Rs. 300


26. Pratyabhijnahrdayam of Ksemaraja- The Essence of Self-Recognition/ Introduction with practical notes/Dmitri Semenov.ISBN.978-93-81218-47-1. Rs  250



27,28,29. Vastu- Silpa Kosha 
Encyclopaedia of Hindu Temple Architecture and Vastu / Prof. S. K.Ramachandra Rao. ,
978-93-81218-51-8,(SET).    3 Vols. Set. Rs.2000

The Vastu-shilpa-kosha  is a three volume encyclopedic work .
The first volume has explained  comprehensively the fundamentals of the Indian architecture. It deals with the Agama tradition, the various kinds of Agama texts, the Alaya tradition and the concept of Vastu.

The second volume has a detailed description of Vastu illustrations and symbolic  representations. The third volume focuses on the architectural and scuptural ideas. It deals with Vastu Vidya, the rituals of Alaya-sthapana and other details.



30. Bhavopanishad  -Text with Translation and Explanation./ S. K. Ramachandra Rao. ISBN.978-93-81218-56-3. / Rs.600


31. Sri Sukta-Text with Translation and Explanation./ Prof.S.K.Ramachandra Rao.ISBN.978-93-81218-55-6. / Rs.200


 32.  The Teachings of the Odd-Eyed One- A Study and Translation of the Virupaksapancasika, with the Commentary of Vidyacakravartin/ David Peter Lawrence . / Rs. 600

 A study and translation of a tantric contemplative manual and the commentary on it.

This book offers the first published translation of the contemplative manual Virūpāksapañcasikā, written circa the twelfth century CE, and the commentary on it, Vivrti by Vidyācakravartin. These late works from the Pratyabhijñā tradition of monistic and tantric Kashmiri Śaiva philosophy focus on means to deindividualize and disclose the primordial, divine essential natures of the human ego and body-sense.

 33. The Advaita Worldview-  God, World, and Humanity/ Anantanand Rambachan/ Rs. 400


2007 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title

A new interpretation of Hindu tradition focusing on the nature of God, the value of the world, and the meaning of liberation.


34. Meditation on Lalita Sahsaranama/ Prof.S.K.Ramachandra Rao. / Rs 400


*   The Philosophy Sadhana-  with Special Reference to the Trika Philosophy of Kashmir/ Deba Brata Sen Sharma. Foreword Paul Muller Ortega. / Rs. 450


*   Singing Krishna – Sound becomes sight in Paramanand's Poetry/ A Whitney Sanford/ RS. 600


Singing Krishna introduces Paramānand, one of north India's greatest medieval poet-saints, whose poetry has been sung from the sixteenth century to the present in ritual service to the Hindu deity Krishna.


*  Jivanmukti in Transformation- Embodied Liberation in Advaita and Neo Vedanta/ Andrew O Fort/ Rs. 600


The Book Examines the Hindu concept of liberation while living from the perspective of the Advaita Vedanta school from the Upanisads to modern times.


*  Yoga and the Luminous- Patanjali's  Spiritual Path to Freedom/ Christopher Key Chapple/ Rs. 500




Sri Garib Das Ayurveda Series



3. Ayurvedic Care & Cure of the Digestive System/ Prof. Dr.P. H.Kulkarni. ISBN.978-03-81218-19-8  / Rs.300


4. Experiments with Drugs of Ayurveda/ Dr.P.H. Kulkarni/978-93-81218-20-4 / Rs.300


5.Ayurveda Philosophy and Practice/ Prof. P.H.Kulkarni., 978-93-81218-41-9/ Rs.250


6. Encyclopedia of Ayurvedic Massage/ John  Douillard/  
978-93-81218-40-2/  Rs. 900                                               

This book features more than 15 massage treatments, each described in step-by-step detail and some synchronized with two therapists for up to two hours in length. It provides the reader with all the tools necessary to begin Ayurvedic treatments as a part of a spa menu or massage therapy program.


              Dr. John Douillard is the author of The 3-Season Diet &  Body, Mind, &  Sport, which has sold over 60,000 copies & has been printed in six languages. John received his Ayurvedic training in India and holds a Ph.D. in Ayurvedic medicine. He co-directed Deepak Chopra's Ayurvedic center for eight years and has trained over 2000 Western doctors in Ayurvedic medicine. He has been teaching Ayurvedic medicine, natural health, fitness, and nutrition internationally for seventeen years. Currently he directs the LifeSpa School of Ayurveda and practices Ayurvedic and chiropractic medicine at LifeSpa in Boulder, Colorado.

              "With great clarity and precision, Dr. John Douillard has provided a detailed guidebook to the profound system of Ayurvedic massage, bringing this ancient method of yogic healing into practical focus for everyone to use in its many different forms." - Dr. David Frawley


7. Ayurveda Nidana -The Diagnosis & Pathology. / Prof. P.H.Kulkarni, ISBN 978-93-81218-57-0./  Rs.300


8. Positive Health in Ayurveda/ S. R. Sudarshan, ISBN.978-93-81218-58-7. / Rs.300


9. Obesity and Ayurveda- Care and Cure /Prof. Ajay Kumar  Sharma , Dr. Amit Kumar Sharma. ISBN.978-93-81218-58-4./  Rs.500


10. Hindu Bioethics for the Twenty First Century/ S. Cromwell Crawford /
Rs. 600

Explores contemporary controversies in bioethics from a Hindu perspective.

"No study on Bioethics will be complete and no problem of Bioethics will amicably be solved until and unless Hindu Bioethics for the Twenty-first Century is referred to." — Vedic Science 

"…provides an excellent introduction to contemporary Hindu philosophy and religion, helping the reader to gain important insights into the manner in which these issues are addressed." — New Jersey Medicine


11. Mettalic and Mineral Drugs in Ayurveda/ S. R. Sudarshan/ Rs. 500


12. Introduction to Ayurveda/ Prof. S. K. Ramachandra Rao/ Rs. 500


13. Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Medicine/ Prof. Dr. P.H. Kulkarni. / Rs. 300




Divine Buddhist Texts and Studies Series



1. The Dhammapada & Sutta Nipata (Collection of Verses & Discourses). Translated into English by F Max Muller & V. Fausball.  , ISBN.978-93-81218-09-9/ Rs.500


2. Analysis of the Abhisamayalamkara / E.Obermiller.
ISBN. 978-93-81218-18-1. / Rs. 700


3. The Life of Buddha by Ashvaghosha  Bodhisattva - Translated from Chinese into English by Samuel Beal. / ISBN 978-93-  81218-14-3 / Rs.450


4. Buddhist Suttas/ English Translation by  T.W. Rhys Davids.
ISBN 978-93-81218-02-0 /   Rs.450


5. Hand Book of Colloquial Tibetan/ Graham Sandberg. 
ISBN.978-93-81218-10-5. Rs.450


6.  Buddha Carita of Asvaghosha / English Translation by  E.B.Cowell.
ISBN 978-93-81218-04-4/ Rs.300


7. The Larger Sukhavati-Vyuha,  Smaller Sukhavati-Vyuha,
 Vajracchedika, Larger Prajna Paramita Hridaya Sutra, Smaller Prajna Paramita Hridaya Sutra /
Trans. F. Max Muller, 
The Amitaayur Dhyana Sutra
Translated by  J.Takakusu, (The Buddhist Mahayana Text)/ Delhi,2011. ISBN.978-93-81218-03-7,  / Rs.500


8- 10. Vinaya Texta/ Translated by T.W. Rhys Davids & Hermann Oldenberg, 3 Vols.

(VOL  I- The Patimokkha, The Mahavagga I-IV.), (VOL. II-The Mahavagga,V-X, The Culavagga I-III), (VOL. III-  The Culavagga IV-XII)

978-93-81218-08-2 (Set.) / Price. Rs.600 Per Vol. /
Rs. 1800 ( 3 vols.set)


11. The Lotus Sutra - English translation of Saddharma-Pundrika Sutra/ Trans.H.Kern/ ISBN 978-93-81218-01-3  /  Rs. 450


13  & 14. The Questions of King Milinda.Trans. T.W.Rhys Davids. 2 Vols. 978-93-81218-24-2. (Set.) Rs. 600 Per Vols.,/ Rs. 1200 (set)


15.  Buddhist Texts from Japan. Ed. F.Max Muller, ISBN. 978-93-81218-43-3./  Rs.600



16. Experiencing  Buddhism - Ways of Wisdom and Compassion / by Ruben L. F. Habito / .  ISBN.978-93-81218-46-4.Rs. 450


This book engages the reader with its story-telling style as it illustrates the principles of Buddhism with concrete examples. Paying special attention to the rise of Buddhist practice in the West, Habito introduces the novice to Buddhist experience in its historical unity and the variety of traditions that reflect its essence. Integrated into Habito's text are five personal accounts by practicing Buddhists: on being a Therevada Buddhist by the Venerable Dhammananda, Dr. Chatsumarn Kabilsing; on being a Zen Buddhist by Jan Chozen Bays; on being a Tibetan Buddhist by Judith Simmer Brown; on being a Pure Land Buddhist by Kenneth Tanaka; and on living the Lotus by Virginia Straus


17. Nagarjuna & the Philosophy of Openness/ Nancy McCagney/ Rs. 400


 Nancy McCagney demonstrates that the concept of space ('akasa') in early Indian Mahayana Buddhism is the root metaphor for Nagarjuna's understanding of 'sunyata', or openness. Nagarjuna's use of the term 'sunyata' was new, and contrasted with the word's use in Pali Buddhist literature. By using the word to mean 'openness,' Nagarjuna was able to elucidate, through a deeper analysis of impermanence, a consistent philosophical foundation for the truth and efficacy of Gautama's Middle Way. McCagney's book will be important for those studying Indian philosophy, Buddhism, and the philosophy of religion.


18. Mediating the Power of Buddhas- Ritual in the  Manjusrimulakalpa / Glenn Wallis/   Rs. 600


Analyzes a seventh-century ritual manual that provides both a rich source of information of medieval Buddhist life and addresses the ongoing concern of how an adherent can encounter the power of a buddha.

Mediating the Power of Buddhas
offers a fascinating analysis of the seventh-century ritual manual, the Mañjusrimulakalpa. This medieval text is intended to reveal the path into a ritual universe where the power of a buddha abides. Author Glenn Wallis traces the strategies of the Mañjusrimulakalpa to enable its committed reader to perfect the promised ritual, uncovering what conditions must be met for ritual practice to succeed and what personal characteristics practitioners must possess in order to realize the ritual intentions of the Buddhist community. The manual itself was written at a key point in Buddhist history, one when Hindu forms of practice were still imitated and on the cusp of the shift from Mahayana to Vajrayana (or Tantric) Buddhism. In addition, the Mañjusrimulakalpa presents a rich compendium of Buddhist life in an earlier era, containing information on a variety of its readers' concerns: astrology, astronomy, medicine and healing, ritual practice, iconography, devotion, and meditation.














Send Your Orders to:



40/13,  Shakti Nagar,

Delhi 110007


Ph. No.011 6519 6428



Thanking you.

Varun Gupta
Divine Books
40/13.Shakti Nagar.
India. 6519 6428

Fw: H-ASIA: Sikhi[sm] Literature & Film conference

----- Original Message -----
From: "Field, Andrew David" <adfield@BU.EDU>
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 3:33 PM
Subject: H-ASIA: Sikhi[sm] Literature & Film conference

Sept 28 2012

Sikhi[sm] Literature & Film conference
From: Rajkumar Hans <<>>

The Department of Religion under the Auspices of the Sardarni Kuljit Kaur
Bindra Endowed Chair of Sikh Studies presents Two Public Lectures as part
of the:

*Sikhi[sm] Literature & Film conference*

*October 19-21, 2012*

All sessions in the Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater, Joan & Donald
E. Axinn Library, south campus, Hofstra University



5:30 Registration and Light Refreshments

6:00 Opening and Inauguration: Provost, Herman Berliner and Tejinder Singh

6:05 Introduction to the Conference and the Public Lecture: Dr. Balbinder
Singh Bhogal

6:15 Dr. Nikhil Pal Singh (New York University) —THE REMAINDERS OF WHITE

7:15 First Response: Dr. Ann Burlein (Hofstra University)

7:30 Second Response: Dr. Arvind-pal Singh Mandair (University of Michigan)

7:45 Q&A

8:15 Close



9:00 Dr. Balbinder Singh Bhogal (Introduction)

Panel 1: NARRATIVE & HISTORY — Chair: Dr. Arvind Mandair

9:10 SIMRAN JEET SINGH (Columbia Uni) – De-categorizing Sikh Literature Of
Genres Hagiographies and Janamsakhis

9:30 Dr. RAJ KUMAR HANS (Uni of Baroda, Gujarat) – Bhai Jaita's epic Sri
Gur Katha: a New Milestone in Sikh Literature

9:50 Dr. ARVIND MANDAIR (Uni of Michigan) — Beyond Secular Apologetics

10:10 Respondent: Harjeet Grewal

10:25 Open Discussion to 11:30

11:30 *LUNCH*

Panel 2: DIASPORA & POLITICS — Chair: Dr. Raj Kumar Hans

1:00 NAJNIN ISLAM (Jadavpur University and UPenn) – History and Fiction in
Shauna Singh Baldwin

1:20 Dr. PARVINDER MEHTA (Davenport Uni) –Framing Sikhs as Other Literary
Representations & Discursive Limits

1:40 Dr. ANNE MURPHY (UBC) – The Past and Present of the Diasporic Subject

2:00 Respondent: Dr. Michael Nijhawan

2:15 Open Discussion to 3:00


Panel 3: DASTAR & FINE ARTS — Chair: Dr Geetanjali S Chanda

3:10 Dr. HARJANT SINGH GILL (Towson University) –Masculinity, Migration and
Shifting Meanings of the Sikh Hair and Turban in Contemporary Punjab

3:30 Dr. GUNJEET AURORA (Ambedkar Uni, Delhi) – Punjabi Theatre Spaces
Icons Cultures

3:50 SATWINDER KAUR BAINS (Uni of Fraser Valley, BC) – Visual Cultures
Museum Exhibitions

4:10 Respondent: Dr. Anne Murphy

4:25 Open Discussion to 5:00


5:30 Dr. Michael Nijhawan: Introduction to the KEYNOTE (5:40) SAFINA UBEROI

6:30 Dr. Geetanjali S Chanda: Introduction to the Public Event (6:40) Film:
Screening: Roots of Love (26 mins)

7:10 Safina Uberoi in conversation with Dr. HARJANT SINGH GILL – moderated
by Dr. Geetanjali S Chanda


9:10 Dr. Balbinder Singh Bhogal (Announcements)

Panel 4: FILM, CINEMA & INTERNET — Chair: Dr. Gunjeet Aurora

9:20 Dr. GEETANJALI SINGH CHANDA (Yale Uni) – Recognition and Rejection of
Sikh Identity in Film

9:40 Dr. ANJALI ROY (IIT) – Representation of Sikhs in Bollywood Cinema

10:00 NATASHA RAHEJA (NYU) – The Warriors of Goja: Pains and Pleasures of
the Sikh (Male) Body

10:20 BIJAY MEHTA (Calcutta Uni) – Analyzing Punjabi Rap & Hip-Hop as new
Expressions of Punjabi Youth

10:40 Respondent: Dr Raj Kumar Hans

11:00 Open Discussion to 11:30

11:30 LUNCH

Panel 5: INTERNET & MUSIC — Chair: Dr. Michael Nijhawan

12:40 HARJEET GREWAL (Uni of Michigan) – Hip Hop Vaar

1:00 Dr. FRANCESCA CASSIO –Female voices in Gurbani sangeet & influence of
media on the contemporary tradition

1:20 Respondent: Dr. Anjali Roy

1:30 Open Discussion to 2:00

2:00 Closing Re"ections by Punnu Jaitla (UofM)

2:15 Publication Possibilities

3:00 Departures **



Raj Kumar Hans
Department of History
Faculty of Arts
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Baroda-India 390008

Ph: 91+265-6566977 Cell1: 91+7383352176 Cell2: 91+74058517335

*Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does
not laugh, and the greatness which does not bow before children. *

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fw: Department of Sanskrit

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2012 7:14 PM
Subject: Department of Sanskrit

Department of Sanskrit

Requirement of Project Fellows

Posted: 24 Sep 2012 03:23 AM PDT

Date: 24-9-2012


Four Project Fellows / Assistants are urgently required in the Department of Sanskrit, University of Mumbai for assisting the project 'Sanskrit-Shabda-Lahari' (Sanskrit Dictionary project for Mobile).
The project is sanctioned by Mumbai University. The Project Fellows should have Sanskrit background as well as computer knowledge.

  1. Eligibility -                  1) M.A. Sanskrit
                                        (Passed with minimum 55% for open & 50% for SC/ST)                                                                                                          2) English-Sanskrit-Marathi language skills                       
                                          3) Complete knowledge of Computer operation and related                                           activities
  1. Work load & Payment – Full time post (as per University requirement)
  1. Status of the Post-     Temporary
  1. Required papers-       a) Computer – typed application
b) Attested Xerox copies of the mark sheets of B.A. and M.A. Examinations
c) A Photograph (pasted on the application at right (up) corner)
d) Self-addressed envelope with postage stamps.
e) Bonafide student – certificate
f) Any other documents in support of the application
<!--[if !supportLists]-->«<!--[endif]-->The last date for submission of application is 6th October, 2012.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->«<!--[endif]-->Submit the application to the Head, Department of Sanskrit, Ramkrishna Bajaj Sanskrit Bhavan, behind Anna Bhau Sathaye Guest House, Vidyanagari, Kalina, Santacruz (East), Mumbai-400 098.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->«<!--[endif]-->Selected candidates will have to present themselves before selection – committee for the Interview.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->« <!--[endif]-->No T.A., D.A. will be paid to the candidate for appearing for the interview.
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->

Dr. Uma Vaidya
Head and R. G. Bhandarkar Professor
Department of Sanskrit,
University of Mumbai

catalogue  Divine Books

Divine Books
In the Service of Scholars since


40/ 13,  Shakti Nagar, Delhi 110007

Ph.No. 011 65196428   



Our Series

Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series,
Sri Garib Das Ayurveda Series,
Divine Buddhist Texts and Studies Series


Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental Series



1 & 2. Srimad Bhagavatam with the text of Sridhar with Visisitaadvaita and  Dvaita Readings Vol. I Skandhas 1- 7 & Vol. 2 Skandhas 8-12./ T.R. Krishnacharya/ ISBN.978-81-920763-0-0/ (SET) /Rs. 800


3. Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira. Translated  by N.C. Aiyar. ISBN.978-81-920763-3-1 / Rs. 500


5.  The Twelve Principal Upanisads with Notes from the Commentaries of Sankaracharya and the Gloss/ Trans. into English by E.Roer, E.B.Cowell, Rajendra Lal Mitra./ ISBN.978-81-920763-5-5/ Rs.800


6 & 7. The Brahma Vaivarta Purana , 2 Vols.- (Brahma and Prakriti Khandas Vol.I.)., (Ganesa and Krishna Janma Khandas. Vol.II) / Trans.into English by Rajendra Nath Sen, 978-81-920763-8-6 (SET) /  Set.Rs.1000


9 & 10. The Brihat Samhita of Varaha Mihira,  2 Vols.-  Eng.Trans/ N.Chidambaram Iyer.(2 Parts.)ISBN 978-93-81218-17-4(SET)  / Set. Rs 600


11. Bhakti Ratnawali with  the Commentary of Vishnu Puri Translated by a Professor of Sanskrit, ISBN.978-93-81218-29-7 / Rs. 300


12.  An Introduction to the Yoga Philosophy/ Srisa Chandra Vasu, ISBN.978-93-81218-28-0/ Rs.120


13, The Brihat Jatakam of Varaha Mihira.Eng.Trans. by Swami Vijnananda.   ISBN. 978-93-81218-27-3. Rs. 500


14. The Patanjali"s Yoga Sutras.Trans. Rama Prasada. Delhi,2011. ISBN.978-93-81218-26-6. / Rs. 400

 15.   Sri Narada Pancaratram - The Jnanamrita sara Samhita/ English Translation Swami Vijnananda/     ISBN 978-93-81218-25-9 / Rs.400


16-24..Sriman Mahabhartam-  A New edition mainly based on the South Indian texts with footnotes and readings (  9 vol. with a Descriptive contents &  Alphabetical Index of Sriman Mahabharatam) Ed. T.R.Krishnacharya & T.R.Vyasacharya. / 9 Vols.Set. ISBN.978-93-81218-39-6 (set). Rs.3000


25. Lalitaarchana-Chandrika-Hymns to Lalita, form of Tripurasundari, Hindu Deity for Worship and Associated rituals/ Trans.Prof.S.K.Ramachandara Rao. 2nd ed. ISBN.978-93-219-45-7. Rs. 300


26. Pratyabhijnahrdayam of Ksemaraja- The Essence of Self-Recognition/ Introduction with practical notes/Dmitri Semenov.ISBN.978-93-81218-47-1. Rs  250



27,28,29. Vastu- Silpa Kosha 
Encyclopaedia of Hindu Temple Architecture and Vastu / Prof. S. K.Ramachandra Rao. ,
978-93-81218-51-8,(SET).    3 Vols. Set. Rs.2000

The Vastu-shilpa-kosha  is a three volume encyclopedic work .
The first volume has explained  comprehensively the fundamentals of the Indian architecture. It deals with the Agama tradition, the various kinds of Agama texts, the Alaya tradition and the concept of Vastu.

The second volume has a detailed description of Vastu illustrations and symbolic  representations. The third volume focuses on the architectural and scuptural ideas. It deals with Vastu Vidya, the rituals of Alaya-sthapana and other details.



30. Bhavopanishad  -Text with Translation and Explanation./ S. K. Ramachandra Rao. ISBN.978-93-81218-56-3. / Rs.600


31. Sri Sukta-Text with Translation and Explanation./ Prof.S.K.Ramachandra Rao.ISBN.978-93-81218-55-6. / Rs.200


 32.  The Teachings of the Odd-Eyed One- A Study and Translation of the Virupaksapancasika, with the Commentary of Vidyacakravartin/ David Peter Lawrence . / Rs. 600

 A study and translation of a tantric contemplative manual and the commentary on it.

This book offers the first published translation of the contemplative manual Virūpāksapañcasikā, written circa the twelfth century CE, and the commentary on it, Vivrti by Vidyācakravartin. These late works from the Pratyabhijñā tradition of monistic and tantric Kashmiri Śaiva philosophy focus on means to deindividualize and disclose the primordial, divine essential natures of the human ego and body-sense.

 33. The Advaita Worldview-  God, World, and Humanity/ Anantanand Rambachan/ Rs. 400


2007 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title

A new interpretation of Hindu tradition focusing on the nature of God, the value of the world, and the meaning of liberation.


34. Meditation on Lalita Sahsaranama/ Prof.S.K.Ramachandra Rao. / Rs 400


*   The Philosophy Sadhana-  with Special Reference to the Trika Philosophy of Kashmir/ Deba Brata Sen Sharma. Foreword Paul Muller Ortega. / Rs. 450


*   Singing Krishna – Sound becomes sight in Paramanand's Poetry/ A Whitney Sanford/ RS. 600


Singing Krishna introduces Paramānand, one of north India's greatest medieval poet-saints, whose poetry has been sung from the sixteenth century to the present in ritual service to the Hindu deity Krishna.


*  Jivanmukti in Transformation- Embodied Liberation in Advaita and Neo Vedanta/ Andrew O Fort/ Rs. 600


The Book Examines the Hindu concept of liberation while living from the perspective of the Advaita Vedanta school from the Upanisads to modern times.


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