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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fw: H-ASIA: CFP SAGAR: A South Asia Research Journal, CFP Articles, Translations, Response Essays - DEADLINE Sept. 30

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Frank Conlon" <conlon@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 12:56 AM
Subject: H-ASIA: CFP SAGAR: A South Asia Research Journal, CFP Articles,
Translations, Response Essays - DEADLINE Sept. 30

> August 9, 2012
> Call for papers: SAGAR: A South Asia Research Journal (Articles,
> Translations, Response Essays), Deadline September 30, 2012
> *********************************************************************
> From: Sagar Journal <>
> SAGAR/ CFP: Articles, Translations, Response Essays
> Deadline: September 30, 2012
> _Sagar: A South Asia Research Journal_seeks innovative academic
> writings on the history, society, culture, literature, religion,
> economics, technology and media of South Asia. The journal was
> established in 1993 and is published annually online and in print by The
> South Asia Institute at The University of Texas at Austin. As of August
> 2012, we have made the transition to peer-reviewed status. Submissions
> are now coordinated by an editorial collective of UT graduate students
> and blindly evaluated by an editorial board of advanced scholars in the
> field. In addition to continuing to publish full-length research
> articles of the highest quality, we are pleased to introduce two new
> features in our 2013 issue. For the first, we seek original translations
> of fiction and non-fiction prose and poetry from South Asian languages
> to English. For the second, we request response essays of 1500 words or
> less that consider single texts. Guidelines on length and formatting are
> provided below.
> With the introduction of these new elements, /Sagar /will allow scholars
> of South Asia to experiment with new styles of writing. Our translation
> feature will familiarize scholars of particular linguistic regions of
> South Asia to new literatures, both popular and literary. Such exposure
> will facilitate comparison, perhaps drawing out common currents in the
> literatures of South Asia. For the English language reader, this feature
> will showcase writings outside the commonly translated canons of South
> Asian literature. Our second new feature, the response essay, will allow
> for continuous reflection on images, speeches, exhibits, performances,
> architecture, songs, and the like. Here, we are not looking for
> responses to scholarly writings (i.e. book reviews); rather, we
> encourage scholars to venture outside their areas of specialization, to
> intervene with timely responses to current events, or take the first
> steps along the way to future scholarly projects.
> In all cases, we encourage writings that are theoretically driven and
> empirically grounded and take advantage of our online format through
> hyperlinks, color images, and embedded video and audio.
> Guidelines for Submission:
> We accept submissions for our annual issues every September and response
> pieces for online publication throughout the year. Manuscripts should
> follow the 16th edition of /The Chicago Manual of Style./ Entire
> essays, including block quotations and notes, should be double-spaced.
> Remove any identifying information so that submission is suitable for
> anonymous review.
> /(1) Full-length research articles/: Full-length-articles should be
> between 8,000 and 10,000 words and should include a one-paragraph
> article abstract.
> /(2) Original translations:/ Translations should be between 3,000 and
> 6,000 words and should be preceded by a 300-600 word introduction that
> contextualizes the text or excerpt.
> /(3) Response essays:/ Responses should be 1500 words or less, and
> where applicable should include an image or recording of the work to
> which you are responding.
> Please submit electronic copies of papers saved as Microsoft Word file.
> Send electronic manuscripts and/or questions to
> <>. All submissions for inclusion in the
> 2013 issue are due by September 30th , 2012.
> Suzanne L. Schulz
> Co-Editor-in-Chief, SAGAR
> <>
> <>
> --
> ******************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL

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