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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Fw: AWOL - The Ancient World Online

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Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2012 10:58 PM
Subject: AWOL - The Ancient World Online

AWOL - The Ancient World Online

K.K.Kostsyushko-Valyuzhinich and his reports for the Imperial Archaeological Commission

Posted: 25 Nov 2012 05:29 AM PST

K.K.Kostsyushko-Valyuzhinich and his reports for the Imperial Archaeological Commission - К. К. Косцюшко-Валюжинич и его отчеты Императорской Археологической Комиссии 
Publication of the materials from the archive of Karl Kazimirovich Kostsyushko-Valyuzhinich, the founder of the museum in Chersonesos, was rather complicated task. Everyone who participated in this project has put a part of his / her heart into it. We all worked hard, and you can see the result now. 

Use of this website allows you to trace how the scale of the studies increased year after year (you can see special time line above), how the excavations were recorded, how Chersonesos we know now was raising from under many-centuries-deep strata. However, the finds images of those are presented on this site scattered through different museums long ago, so they could hardly be brought together in reality. We collected them for you in " Photographs " section, though the drawings of the areas excavated every year are accumulated in " Drawings "

Texts section is digital version of the " Reports " of the excavations in Chersonesos, published by the Imperial Archaeological Commission in printed form. " Manuscripts " incorporate photos of manuscript reports by Kostsyushko; he made his reports in two copies: the first was sent to the Archaeological Commission, and the second remained in the archive of the museum established by him. The Commission developed printed version of the report on the background of Kostsyushko's manuscripts. 

From 1901, the Archaeological Commission begun to issue, apart from the Reports, its Proceedings (Izvestiya Arkheologicheskoy Komissii) that published the results of the excavations as scholarly articles. Several Kostsyushko's reports from this issue (they were not annual), as well as his articles from the Crimean newspapers have make the " Publications " section. 

Those who are interested in ancient inscriptions on stones will find some useful data in the " Squeezes ": here you can view photos of paper imprints of the inscriptions, which Kostsyushko made with great skill. Now squeezed are the most fragile articles within the collection and rarely appeared in scholars' hands because of that reason. Virtual squeezes will be much more available, and one inscription is presented as three-dimensional reconstruction

In order to make the elements of systematic excavations known to most large circle of history and archaeology lovers, we need to make English translation of the huge number of pages from our website. All the translations have been made by historian and archaeologist, in result of which the nineteenth century archaeological " Lexicon " developed. It will help modern reader understand some specific features of the style of the reports.
Here is the brief guide to our website, which is called after the most popular address to Kostsyushko from the correspondence: "Dear Karl Kazimirovich…" Brief biographic essay will make our website's visitors understand why this person was so respected by the contemporaries. 

Although the process of he site development was very hard for all of us, Kostsyushko's industry and his utterly devotion to his work were the great example to us. In the year 2007 we will celebrate the 160th birthday and the 100th anniversary of the death of Kostsyushko. By publishing this resource in the Web, we would like to honour these dates and to make Kostsyushko's life and merits widely known to the public. 

We are thankful for help and support to the authorities of the National Preserve of Tauric Chersonesos, our colleagues from the Institute of Classical Archaeology and Harry Ransom Humanity ResearchCenter of the University of Texas at Austin, USA. Our gratitude is to wonderful person Glenn Mack who inspired us for realization of this and many other projects.
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 See also: Open Access Journal: Отчеты Археологической Комиссии

Open Access Journal: Préhistoires méditerranéennes

Posted: 25 Nov 2012 04:56 AM PST

[First posted in AWOL 16 December 2009. Updated 25 November 2012]

Préhistoires méditerranéennes

Préhistoires méditerranéennes est une revue bilingue multi-supports à comité de lecture (prend la suite de Préhistoire Anthropologie Méditerranéenne). Elle accueille toute contribution originale sur la préhistoire des espaces méditerranéens. La revue publie, en flux continu, des contributions au format électronique, regroupées chaque année dans une édition papier. Elle propose, en outre, sous la forme de suppléments, des numéros thématiques. Préhistoires méditerranéennes se veut un espace de débats d'idées ; elle souhaite mettre à disposition des auteurs et des lecteurs une tribune de publication contradictoire — suscitée ou sollicitée — permettant la discussion scientifique autour des articles retenus.

Numéros en texte intégral

Ancienne série

Open Access Journal: The Bible and Critical Theory

Posted: 24 Nov 2012 03:38 PM PST

 [First posted in AWOL 28 April 2011, updated 24 November 2012]

The Bible and Critical Theory
ISSN : 1832-3391
Biblical studies is in an interesting state of flux. The various methods of critical theory have been used by biblical critics for some time now. The methods include post-structuralism, feminism, psychoanalysis, ideological criticism, the social sciences, Marxism, ecocriticism, post-colonialism, reader response criticism, narratology, new historicism and utopian studies These methods have raised questions about the Bible concerning race and ethnicity, indigeneity, gender and sexual difference, class and ideology, hegemony and subversion, the nature of history, texts and readers, and so on.
Yet, much work remains to be done. Many parts of the Hebrew Bible, New Testament and extra-canonical literature remain unexplored in light of the questions and methods of critical theory. Those parts of the Bible that have been the concern of biblical interpreters working with critical theory require further work. As far as critical theory is concerned, there has been minimal and sporadic concern with the Bible, although the situation is beginning to change.
For these reasons the journal will publish work not only by biblical critics, but also by critical theorists interested in the questions the Bible and biblical studies pose for critical theory.
From 2004 to 2010, the journal was published on a subscription basis by Monash University ePress. From 2011 it is published as an open-access journal by the Bible and Critical Theory Seminar.


Vol 1, No 1 (2004)

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