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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Fw: H-ASIA: CFP EXTENDED DEADLINE, BASAS Annual Conf., Leeds, Apr 2013

----- Original Message -----
From: "Frank Conlon" <conlon@U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 1:30 AM
Subject: H-ASIA: CFP EXTENDED DEADLINE, BASAS Annual Conf., Leeds, Apr 2013

> December 6, 2012
> EXTENDED DEADLINE for BASAS (British Association for South Asian Studies)
> annual conference, University of Leeds, April 3-5, 2013
> **********************************************************************
> From: British Association for South Asian Studies <>
> Annual Conference 2013
> (
> 3-5th April 2013
> University of Leeds
> Call for panel convenors and paper presenters- Deadline: 10th December
> NEW: Bursaries announced and conference registration now open
> -University of Leeds, 3-5th April 2013 -
> Panel and paper submission details
> The organisers of the 2013 BASAS annual conference invite proposals for
> whole panels and also individual papers. As usual we invite proposals from
> the full range of disciplines reflected within the broad membership of
> Panels
> A single panel will run for 90 minutes and may include 3-4 papers.
> Submissions should include a panel title and abstract together with
> abstracts for each of the panel papers. All abstracts should be 150-200
> words.
> Individual papers
> For individual paper submissions please send the title and abstract
> (150-200 words). Where possible accepted papers will be grouped with
> similar submissions.
> Bursaries
> Twenty bursaries of ?50 each will be available to assist post-grads who
> wish to attend the conference. These are available to post-graduate
> students living outside of the Leeds/Bradford area on a first come first
> served basis as long as the following conditions are met: you must be
> presenting a paper and a copy of the paper must be sent to the conference
> organiser Dr Emma Tomalin (
> ( ) by April 1st 2013. The paper should be no
> longer than 7,000 words. You should indicate whether you wish to be
> entered for the prize for the best post-graduate paper.
> Prize for the best post-graduate paper
> A prize of GBP 250 will be awarded to the best post-graduate paper
> presented at the conference. In order to be eligible you must submit a
> full draft of your paper, no longer than 7,000 words, to the conference
> organiser Dr Emma Tomalin ( (mail to:
> ) by April 1st 2013. The result will be announced
> at the end of the conference.
> Deadlines
> Submission of panel and paper abstracts 10 December 2012
> Notification of accepted panels and papers 31st December 2012
> For further information and to submit proposals please contact Dr Emma
> Tomalin:
> Nageela
> Assistant Secretary
> British Association for South Asian Studies
> 14 Stephenson Way
> Second Floor
> London, England NW1 2HD
> ******************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> <>
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL

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