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Monday, January 21, 2013

Fw: H-ASIA: CFP Pakistaniaat, A Journal of Pakistan Studies Special Issue on The Aesthetics and Limits of Historical Memory: Contemporary Perspectives on Bangladesh

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Field" <adfield@BU.EDU>
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 7:10 AM
Subject: H-ASIA: CFP Pakistaniaat, A Journal of Pakistan Studies Special
Issue on The Aesthetics and Limits of Historical Memory: Contemporary
Perspectives on Bangladesh

Jan 22 2013

CFP Pakistaniaat, A Journal of Pakistan Studies Special Issue on The
Aesthetics and Limits of Historical Memory: Contemporary Perspectives on
From: Bose, Neilesh <>

CFP: Pakistaniaat: A Journal of Pakistan Studies

Special Issue on The Aesthetics and Limits of Historical Memory:
Contemporary Perspectives on Bangladesh

Guest Editor: Neilesh Bose, University of North Texas

Under the guest editorship of Dr. Neilesh Bose, Pakistaniaat welcomes
submissions for its December 2013 edition with a focus on East Bengal, East
Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Given the recent reflections on history of the
1971 war in historical literature and film, this special issue aims to
interrogate the state of debate regarding historical legacies, the arts and
aesthetic representations, and silences and voices within the contemporary
age. This special edition builds upon the 2010 issue about the 1971
Indo-Pakistan war by focusing on the contemporary debates about
historiography, historical memory, literary criticism, and film. Given the
emergence in 2011 of Rubaiyat Hossein's film Meher Jaan, Sarmila Bose's
Dead Reckoning: Memories of the 1971 Bangladesh War, and Yasmin Saikia's
Women, War, and the Making of Bangladesh: Remembering 1971, the field now
includes vigorous debates about memorialization, historic accuracy,
nationalism, violence, women's roles in the conflicts, relations between
East and West Pakistan in the years leading up to the 1971 war. This new
vista of reflection about East Bengal, East Pakistan, and Bangladesh has
also entered the larger field of the history and culture of contemporary
Pakistan. The editorial staff welcomes creative writing (poetry and
prose), book review essays, scholarly articles featuring new research, and
translations of original texts about any of these topics.

For submission guidelines and submission, please visit Please
contact the guest editor, Dr. Neilesh Bose,, with
questions and concerns.

Deadline for submissions is June 1, 2013.

Pakistaniaat is a refereed, multidisciplinary, and open access academic
journal offering a forum for scholarly and creative engagement with various
aspects of Pakistani history, culture, literature, and politics. Housed in
the English Department of the University of North Texas, Pakistaniaat is a
sponsored journal of the American Institute of Pakistan Studies. Available
online as well as in print, Pakistaniaat publishes three issues per year.

About the Guest Editor:
Dr. Neilesh Bose is currently Assistant Professor of History at the
University of North Texas and Vice President of the Society for Advancing
the History of South Asia. Research interests include late colonial and
post-colonial India and Pakistan, decolonization, cultural and intellectual
history, modern Bengal, Islam in South Asia, popular culture, and South
Asian diasporas. Recent research concerning these topics has been published
in South Asian Popular Culture, South Asia Research, and is forthcoming in
Modern Asian Studies. He is guest editing a special edition of South Asian
History and Culture regarding South Asian Islam and his forthcoming book
about late colonial and early post-colonial Bengal is entitled Recasting
the Region: Language, Culture, and Islam in Colonial Bengal.

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