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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Fw: H-ASIA: Doctoral Scholarships in Transcultural Studies

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Field" <adfield@BU.EDU>
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 10:28 PM
Subject: H-ASIA: Doctoral Scholarships in Transcultural Studies

> Jan 2 2013
> Doctoral Scholarships in Transcultural Studies
> ***************************************
> From: <>
> Dear H-Asia members,
> the Graduate Programme for Transcultural Studies of the Cluster of
> Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context" at Heidelberg
> University welcomes applications for eight doctoral scholarships beginning
> in the winter semester 2013/14.
> The programme offers a monthly scholarship of 1.200 Euro. It further
> supports scholarship holders in framing their research through advanced
> courses and individual supervision and mentoring. Half of the scholarships
> are reserved for young scholars from Asia.
> Applicants are expected to propose a doctoral project with a strong
> affiliation to the research framework of the Cluster. They must hold an
> M.A.
> or equivalent in a discipline of the humanities or social sciences with an
> above-average grade. Applications, including a CV, a letter of intention,
> a
> project proposal, a schedule for the dissertation, and two referees for
> recommendation are submitted through an Online Application System.
> After an initial evaluation and selection, applicants will be asked to get
> in contact with possible supervisors at the Cluster of Excellence to
> discuss
> their project proposal. The most promising applicants will be invited to
> present their projects to the selection committee in Heidelberg around the
> middle of May. Subsequently the scholarship holders will be selected.
> The deadline for applications is March 15, 2013.
> For more information about the Graduate Programme for Transcultural
> Studies
> and the scholarships see:
> or send an e-mail to:
> We would be grateful if you circulate this email among prospective
> candidates.
> With best wishes
> Oliver Lamers, Graduate Programme Manager
> Alexander Haentzschel, Press Officer
> --
> The Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context" is an
> interdisciplinary network of researchers at Heidelberg University. About
> 200
> scholars examine in which dynamics the transcultural processes between and
> within Asia and Europe develop.
> **************************************************************************
> To post to H-ASIA simply send your message to:
> For holidays or short absences send post to:
> <> with message:
> Upon return, send post with message SET H-ASIA MAIL

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